Title:Fast Near-Field Beam Training for Extremely Large-Scale Array


Compared with the conventional far-field beam training method that searches for the best beam angular only, the near-field beam training is more challenging since it requires a beam search over both the angular and distance domains due to the spherical wavefront propagation model.

The existing near-field training methods for the narrow-band require a two-dimensional exhaustive search for all possible beam angular and distances, thus leading to prohibitively high training overhead.


1、System model (N-antenna BS LOS channel)

A narrow-band XL-array communication system

Channel coefficient

where $h=\frac{\sqrt{\beta}}{r}e^{-\frac{j 2\pi r}{\lambda}}$

Near-field steering vector

Far-field steering vector

notice $ \mathbf{a}^H(\theta) {a}(\theta)=1$

The received signal at the user is given by

where $v$ represents the transmit beamforming vector

2、 Two-phase near-field beam training method

Defination of the normalized beam gain

where the beamforming vector $w$ and the channel steering vector $\mathbf{u}^H$

对于MISO far field LOS channel,beamtraining就是将360度离散细分以后,将每个steer vector的共轭转置作为transmit beamforming vector代入,找个功率最大值,因为远场只与angular有关,所以beam gain通常只有一个极窄角度处功率很高。而对于near field,steer vector同时与distance和angular有关就会有角度的扩散。

First phase

  • we aim to estimate the spatial angle of the user in the first phase based on the far-field beam training method.
  • we propose a new middle-K angle selection scheme that selects K candidate spatial angles in the middle of the quantized dominant-angle region rather than selecting one spatial angle only.

Second phase
a customized polar-domain beam training method is proposed for the second phase to estimate the effective user distance based on the non-uniform distance sampling method.


Last, it is worth mentioning that there exists a fundamental tradeoff between the beam training performance versus the number of candidate angles, K. Specifically, when K is larger, it incurs a larger training overhead, while leading to a higher beamforming gain due to the more accurate angle estimation.


能将近场beamtraining分两步来节省开销的主要原因在于:将远场的beamforming vector代入近场以后,虽然角度有扩散,但用户真实角度是近似位于角度扩散的中心区域,相当于确定了用户在一个窄角度内,方便后续距离处理。
